Elder Law

Need Help With Your Future Life Planning?

Our services are supportive, efficient and affordable. As we approach the later years of our life, we often need to adjust our living arrangements. It’s often a big decision with significant consequences. And it can feel daunting, particularly if it means leaving a home we have loved for many years. These moves need to be well planned and the consequences of different types of accommodation and agreements understood. For over 30 years we have been providing expert advice through these transitions with compassion and care.

Moving a Loved One into Aged Care

Aged Care

Moving a Loved One into Aged Care

The process of moving a loved one into Aged Care can be confronting. You want them to be happy and receive the best of care. Once you find the right place for your them, there are some important steps you need to take; including;

1.     Understanding the Aged Care Agreement and costs.

2.     Determining the level of financial assistance, you will receive from Centrelink.

3.     Deciding whether any property needs to be sold.

4.     Arranging the financing of the Bond ; and

5.     Signing the Aged Care Agreement.

These steps can seem overwhelming. But at Hiscocks Lawyers, we know how to support you to make this process easier. It would be our privilege to help you get the care you want for your loved one.

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